Prospective Students


How to Apply

process for applying & enrolling at Alternatives in Action HighSchool

  1. Submit an online application via the Avela Apply page.

  2. Follow the application and enrollment process as outlined on Enroll Oakland Charter. While we typically admit students for the start of each school year, if space is available, we also enroll students throughout the year.

While we typically admit students for the start of each school year, if space is available, we also enroll students throughout the year.



Admission Events

2025-2026 Recruitment/Information Sessions

Alternatives in Action High School is hosting school tours and informational sessions throughout the school year. Please RSVP via email to Emilia Flores, Office Manager, You can also schedule an information sessions as needed. Please call the front office at (510) 748-4314 to schedule a day and time.

AIAHS Open House

January 30th, 6 pm - 7 pm

Shadow a Student February 5th, 1pm - 3 pm

February 8th, 11 am - 1 pm

February 11th, 6 pm - 7pm


Enrollment Lottery

March 3, 2025 at 5:00 pm

The open enrollment on time application window for Alternatives in Action High School for the 2025-2026 school year runs from November 12, 2024 through February 14, 2025. Applications received by this deadline will be included in our lottery. After the lottery date, we will notify applicants if they received an offer or if they are on the waitlist.

Our late application period begins on February 18, 2025. Applications submitted on and after this date will be considered a Round 2 Application – you will be placed on a wait list at Alternatives in Action High School, and offered an enrollment space on a first-come first-served basis.

For more information, or to schedule a tour, call us at
(510) 748-4314.